November 18, 2019
Self-Care Tips for Thriving this Holiday Season

Winter and the holiday season is upon us. This is a time for celebrating with friends and family, eating yummy food and giving thanks for the abundance in our lives. The holidays can also can be a time where we feel stressed and overwhelmed. Here's some tips for keeping your self-care on track to not only survive the holidays but thrive all winter long.
Gift Mindfully
If you're already feeling overwhelmed with the idea of over-extending your finances to get the "perfect" gift for everyone on your list, take a deep breath and re-evaluate your gifting strategy. Your loved ones value your peace and financial security over any wrapped box under the tree. If you're short on funds this season get creative with your gifting. Bust out your DIY skills and get creative with handmade gifts (Pinterest is a great source for ideas), give the gift of quality time by planning a special excursion, take a friend out for coffee to have an uninterrupted catch-up, or make a meal together. Purchase an inexpensive gratitude journal and list all the attributes of your loved one you're thankful for on the first page.
Stay Active & Hydrated
With colder weather it's easy to stay indoors and being less physically active also means we have a tendency to drink less water. Working up a sweat releases endorphins in the body to give your mood a boost while also reducing your perception of pain. A simple walk outside can help get blood flowing and give you a chance to reconnect with nature during a season we spend a lot of time inside. If you struggle with keeping up on your water consumption, try adding some fresh fruit to liven it up or incorporate a tea ritual (I love drinking a cup of calming herbal tea before bed) to help give you extra fluids.
Take Time for You
Find the rituals that relax you and help you feel nourished and take them seriously. Whether its a hot bath with Therapeutic Salt Soaks, applying a Facial Mask, lighting your favorite Candle, or taking a few minutes for a Facial Massage, find ways to incorporate self-care throughout your day. In this season of so many obligations on our time and energy, it's vital to take care of yourself so you have the resources to give to others.
Step Away From the Screen
We know that being attached to our phones non-stop is bad for our mental and emotional health but the addiction is REAL. We get little dopamine hits in the brain when we hear that little chime that someone has liked our post or sent us a text. And while our technology has made it easier than ever to connect with others, it also can leave us feeling isolated and craving real life interaction and validation. So try incorporating some ground rules around screen time for yourself including no phone an hour before bed and remember that you're looking at everyone's highlight reel so don't let comparison steal your joy or contentment.
I hope these tips help you to enjoy this magical season to the fullest! Have more ideas on winter self-care? Leave them in the comments!
In Gratitude,